Monday, August 1, 2011

2011 Goals, Summer Edition

I haven't posted an update in awhile, since April in fact. Some of my goals have fallen by the wayside. Something about summer, having all the kids home from school, being busy with swimming and baseball and vacation and trying to keep cool, and I haven't been focusing on these goals. Here's where I am:

Spiritual Goals:
Last update I had started reading Romans. I got about 10 chapters in and haven't been reading for awhile. I have been reading a couple different devotionals on my Kindle, one geared towards moms and one about prayer.

Barry's parents were nice enough to watch the kids for us over our anniversary weekend. We enjoyed a couple of days to focus on each other without the distraction of the kids around.

We (well, the kids) spend a lot of hot afternoons in the kiddie pool. Haven't played a lot of games, though.

More 40 by 40 coming soon!

I haven't been tracking my coupon savings in a few months. Once I raided the jar when I needed cash and didn't have any on hand in my wallet, and I have neglected to keep track since then. I have spend some money to help me achieve my health goals, like new workout clothes and an armband to hold my phone so I can listen to music.

Health and fitness
I've been plodding through the Couch to 5K program and am now on the final week! I've lost a few pounds since I started at the beginning of June, but nothing earth-shattering.

I've followed some of the Just Mommies calendar, but didn't even print off July's calendar, which reminds me--I'll go print the August calendar as soon as I'm done with this post!

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