Friday, April 24, 2009

This Week at Super One

Ollie had a check-up this week, so we stopped at Super One afterwards.

A few good deals:
Flavorite peanut butter, $1 each
Hershey's chocolate chips: $1 each
Wacky Mac: $1.29-$1.00 coupon=$0.29
Sunsweet dried plums (aka prunes): $1.50-$1.00 coupon=$0.50
Hunt's ketchup: $1.00 each (I used to think I would always be loyal to Heinz ketchup, but the kids don't care!)
Rinaldi pasta sauce: $1.00
Klement's andouille sausage: $3.00-$2.00 coupon=$1.00
Kotex Lightdays: $1.00-$0.75=$0.25 each
Green Giant Steamers: $1.79-$1.00 coupon=$0.79

And some items free with free product coupons I got in the mail:
Cole's cheesesticks
Ore Ida tater tots
Windex wipes
Michelina's frozen meal
Carl Buddig honey ham
On Cor family size frozen lasagna

I only saved 39% ($70.89) this time around, so still looking for 50% savings.

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